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Reiki Treatment

Reiki Sessions

Reiki is a holistic healing technique created in Japan that consists in transferring of energy through your hands, to align the body's energy centres, known as chakras, promoting the energetic balance, necessary to maintain physical and mental wellbeing.


In reiki session certain energetic blocks are removed, such as negativity and discomfort. Allowing the body´s inherent ability to heal itself to be stimulated and activated.


Reiki is a very simple process that can produce profound effects. It supports the balance and healing of both the physical and emotional aspects.


·Creates deep relaxation and helps the body release stress and tension

·Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, body, and spirit

·Helps you sleep better, clears the mind, and improves focus

·Accelerates the body’s self-healing ability

·Helps relieve pain and supports the physical body healing

·Helps spiritual growth and emotional cleansing

·Compliments medical treatment & other therapies



Duration 60 minutes


Investment 40 euros

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